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My Best Vintage for 2007

Everyone seems to have year-end round ups of The Best of 2007, and so why not yours truly?

This is an assortment of my favorite items sold this past year, not all my faves I'm sure, but more than I intended to trot out! If you love something you see, and regret having missed a chance to make it your own, never fear, there is always more wonderful vintage for 2008!

Starting with the earliest:
Extraordinary 1920s silk

1930s flowery organdy

Late 30s lounge dress

40s suits...my perennial favorite outfits of all

40s prints to LIVE for!

I was crazy, too, for some 40s accessories, including a flop-over faille hat with glass ball hat pin

Ruched leather platforms

Necklace with glass lilies

A couple of favorite 40s dresses

Party! From the late 40s through 80s:

Suzy Perette

Mr. Blackwell

Victor Costa

For design and construction:
Howard Greer

Bonnie Cashin

Monastic-style by Junior Sophisticates

Deep rainbow stripes

Alfred Shaheen

Impeccably tailored silk suit from Paris

For the vintage goddess-type, a touch of midas

Perfectly fitted black sheath and polka dot-lined bolero

And just a touch of the wild:
Black vinyl motorcyle jacket

Classic pillbox in faux leopard

Very pimp-chic 70s coat in faux furs

Renewed hope and peace to all for 2008!

A musical Christmas card

This animation was done last year by and for the Clarion Brass here in Spokane. Honestly, I neither ski nor skate while playing the horn!

The snow is falling here at denisebrain

The snow is glittering at denisebrain this December...

Best yet, from now through the end of the month my auction listings benefit Conservation International. This top-rated environmental organization's mission is "to conserve the Earth's living natural heritage, our global biodiversity, and to demonstrate that human societies can live harmoniously with nature."

~Peace to all~