My next candidate for Future Vintage is Swedish Hasbeens. I'm a fan of clogs, and the colorful clog-inspired creations of this Swedish company had me at hello.
According to the company website, the shoes are handcrafted by artisans in a traditional way in small factories that have made shoes for decades. They claim that the quality is such that the shoes will last for future generations. “Revolutions bring change and we all feel the time has come. The time to throw away the plastic chrome tanned shoes with too much bling-bling and really bad quality. People across the world are demanding quality, natural materials that age great and that our grandkids can wear. Bring on the revolution!” Hyperbole? Perhaps, but their heart is in the right place.
Some of the current offerings (and yes, they do make more traditional and classic colors and styles, but I find these bright models even more lovable):

Please let me know of companies that you believe meet my standards for future vintage: 1. well designed, 2. well made, 3. created by reasonably-paid people working in safe, humane conditions.
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