Once while shopping at a vintage clothing store I found a 1950s dress I really liked. While looking at the jackets on another rack, I found a mate to my dress. Excited, I took the two up to the counter and thought I was telling the salesperson something wondrous, that there were perfectly matching items that had not been put together by the store...but I had reunited them!
Then she told me, sympathetically, that outfits are the kiss of death. Jackets are separated from dresses and skirts, shoes from purses, because people would never wear these together and wouldn't consider buying them together.
I bought the dress and jacket and went away shaking my head at the apparent lack of imagination that would make an outfit so unwanted. With a great pair of items you have the option of wearing them separately of course, and I realize that can be more modern. Frankly though, I am always looking for things that seem fresh in fashion and what could be fresher than something not everyone is doing? Matching items can look more formal, but there are times when that sort of put-together is just the thing.
Why break up a perfectly great relationship, especially after its been intact for up to 50 years and more?

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