Ceil Chapman born.
Ceil Chapman gown, 1951 (hpprints.com)

Eleanor Powell and Gene Kelly born. (It was a good year for dancers!)
Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo gives 3,000 cherry blossom trees to be planted in Washington, D.C., to symbolize the friendship between the two countries.
Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios created.

L.L. Bean founded.
Women’s swimming and diving added to Olympic sports.
1912 British Women's 4 x 100 Meters Freestyle Swimming Team (womenshistory.about.com)

The Girl Scouts of the USA founded.
Founder Juliette Gordon Low poses with some of the nation's first Girl Scouts (girlscouts.org)

Jacques Fath adjusting one of his ball gowns, 1951. © Genevieve Naylor/CORBIS (fashionencyclopedia.com)
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