As usual, the 40s weigh heavily among my favorites

I always love a classic

I'm partial to anything that brings a smile

and I love party dresses, for all kinds of parties

I always love a great print (click on any photo for a closer view)
Best yet, a Mid-century Modern print

I love to take a walk on the wild side

This year certain items have had special meaning for me
I found my first (and possibly last, given where I live!) Ossie Clark dress

In April came the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, and the 11th anniversary of denisebrain

These shoes ended up in an exhibition at the Heard Museum

In January his little bag from my own collection helped me raise money for Medecins Sans Frontieres for their work in Haiti

This ca. 1930 opera coat helped me raise money for the Save the Manatee Club in August

This Bonnie Cashin 3-piece outfit helped me raise money for Living Beyond Breast Cancer in October

...and this owl handbag helped me raise money for Conservation Northwest this month

Thank you so much for your support, style, and all-out fabulousness!
Wishing you all the best of love, hope, health, peace and joy in 2011