Continuing Customer Appreciation Month, I am giving away some of my favorite vintage tools:

First, Kevyn Aucoin's
Making Faces, a beautiful, fun and brilliant book about doing makeup, including a section on creating vintage looks that is simply the best.

Then my very favorite cleaning product,
Eucalan no rinse delicate wash, absolutely ideal for fine vintage sweaters...and the environment.

Next, a pair of
Kleinert's dress shields in black with elastic bands so you can use them with any regular-sleeve garment. Kleinert's is a great old company (founded in 1869) still made in the US, and their dress shields are very good for saving your vintage wardrobe and saving on dry cleaning bills. I find dress shields tacked in vintage clothes now and then, and am always grateful for the good condition in which they've left the item!
Last of all, one of my favorite red lipsticks,
British Red by L'Oreal. What says
vintage better than bright red lips?

Now it's your turn: What are your fave vintage tips, tricks or tools?
Comment on this blog for a chance to win my favorites. I will draw a name on November 30.