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Once more for the manatees

If you know me at all, you know I am very concerned for endangered species, probably none more than the manatee.

Manatees are gentle aquatic mammals, herbivores that are most closely related to the elephant. Although they are not as well understood as dolphins, in studies they have shown similar intelligence. They are endangered, numbering only about 4,480. With no natural enemies, manatees are often killed by boat strikes along with other mostly accidental human causes.

Population viability studies carried out in 1997 found that decreasing adult survival and eventual extinction would be a probable future outcome for Florida manatees, without additional protection. Fortunately, the work of concerned citizens and organizations has brought the Florida manatee population up from critically endangered, but their existence is still tenuous.

The Save the Manatee Club is the manatee’s closest ally. SMC’s role is to protect endangered manatees and their aquatic habitat for future generations. To achieve this mission they work to increase public awareness and education; sponsor manatee research, rescue, rehabilitation, and release efforts; and advocate for strong protection measures, such as boat speed zones, and sanctuaries. SMC also supports research and conservation efforts for other sirenian species around the world.

Starting today, and for the next two weeks, 25% of all my sales will go to the Save the Manatee Club, and I have collected some sea-theme vintage just to tempt you! Please help me help these wonderful animals.

50s fish print cotton circle skirt
60s Enid Collins-style bag
Pink rhinestone fish pin

Please visit denisebrain.com and shop any of my stores to help manatees through the end of April.

Beginning in 1912

With so much focus on the sad event that took place 100 years ago, I thought I'd mention a few of the other events of 1912—specifically beginnings.


Ceil Chapman born.
Ceil Chapman gown, 1951 (hpprints.com)

Eleanor Powell and Gene Kelly born. (It was a good year for dancers!)

Mayor Yukio Ozaki of Tokyo gives 3,000 cherry blossom trees to be planted in Washington, D.C., to symbolize the friendship between the two countries. 

Paramount Pictures and Universal Studios created.

L.L. Bean founded.

Women’s swimming and diving added to Olympic sports.

1912 British Women's 4 x 100 Meters Freestyle Swimming Team (womenshistory.about.com)

The Girl Scouts of the USA founded.
Founder Juliette Gordon Low poses with some of the nation's first Girl Scouts (girlscouts.org)

Jacques Fath born.  
Jacques Fath adjusting one of his ball gowns, 1951. © Genevieve Naylor/CORBIS (fashionencyclopedia.com)